Don't forget ... Tomorrow - Wednesday, October 19th is Picture Day at the Middle School. The photographers will be ready to start at 7:45am. Don't forget your best smile.
over 2 years ago, Medway Middle School
Bring Your Best Smile!
Caregiver Support Group mtg, Medway Public Library on 10/26, 6:30 PM. Paula LeBlanc, Family Partner at You Inc., will facilitate the meeting centered around supporting caregivers of children with mental health concerns & creating peer connections.
over 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
Caregiver Connections & Support Group
Picture Day is right around the corner. Please see the notice attached.
over 2 years ago, Medway Middle School
MS Picture Day Reminder
REMINDER - A 2nd vaccine clinic will be held on November 3 from 3:30 p.m.-6:00 p.m. The COVID-19 vaccine will be offered to children ages 6 months to 11 years old, and the flu vaccine will be offered to anyone over 3 years old. The vaccine clinic will be held at the Burke/Memorial Elementary School Cafeteria. Register here for the COVID vaccine: Register here for the Flu vaccine:
over 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
vaccine clinic November 3, 2022
MSPTO Sponsored Ski Club It's that time of year again to start getting ready to ski and snowboard! Students in Medway Middle School travel to Wachusett Mountain on Friday afternoons by bus and return to Medway Middle School by 9 pm. Families pay the mountain directly for the program of their choice and pay MSPTO for transportation. The transportation cost for 2022-2023 is $180. The dates for the trip year are January 6, 13, 20, 27, and February 3, 10 Please read the linked flyers below to learn how siblings and families can take advantage of special pricing through this program. Please note that buses are only for Middle School Students.​​ Parents can start ordering program services through the mountain on October 11, 2022. Parents Step ONE: Sign up with the Coordinator and pay the bus fee (if applicable) Parents Step TWO: Go to Step THREE: Enter this Code: MWMS to access your program's order form. Please see the attached forms and please call with any questions. 22 Student Program Wachusett Mountian Liability Waiver Wachusett Mountain Ski Snowboard Program Sincerely, Tina Ouellette (617)620-9764
over 2 years ago, Medway Middle School
Ski & Snowboard Club News!
Please read the 2022-2023 Medway Middle Student- Parent School Handbook It has important information for students and families. Please complete this Google Form confirm that your family has reviewed the Handbook.
over 2 years ago, Medway Middle School
MS Handbook - Action Needed
The Medway School Committee Wants to Hear From You! Please complete this to let the School Committee know which forms of communication you prefer and how they can best create opportunities for meaningful connections and conversations.
over 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
School Committee Wants To Hear From You
October is National Principals Month! Ms. Luizzi, we appreciate all that you do for our Medway Middle School community. Huge shout out to John Murray, Medway High School; John Kelley, Burke-Memorial Elementary School and Amy McDonald, McGovern Elementary School for their commitment to the students of Medway and leadership within our schools.
over 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
October is National Principals Month
Medway Thrive Event Reminder - Joani Geltman, MSW, author of Survival Guide to Parenting Teens, will share best practices for growing tweens and teens' self-efficacy. She looks forward to connecting with parents of secondary students TONIGHT, 10/12 - MHS Auditorium 7:00 p.m.
over 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
Medway THRIVE Speaker Series
It is exciting to pass along all you "need to know" about this year's Skiing and Boarding Club. View the smore broadcast which also holds all the important links. Use this to connect.
over 2 years ago, Medway Middle School
Smore and Ski &  Snowbard Sign Up Info
Check out this week's edition of the Community Bulletin (October 7. 2022) There is something for everyone!
over 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
Community Bulletin - October 7
Medway Schools seeks part-time van driver(7D). Mon-Fri (4 hrs./day) & split shift (morning & afternoon). Early release days require a mid-day pickup. Up to $25/hr with benefits & 7D training assistance. Job description:
over 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
Medway Public schools seeks van driver (7d)
All Medway Public Schools will be closed on Monday, October 10, 2022.
over 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
Have you signed up to receive 'SUP Medway's newsletter? All you have to do it click this link: It only takes a few minutes!
over 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
sup medway newsletter signup
Save the Date! Medway's Turkey Trot 5K is Thursday, November 24. It all starts at 7:30 a.m. at Medway High School! Register through Racewire using this link:
over 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
Human Resources Manager Wanted
Medway Public Schools seeks a Human Resources Manager. This full-time position is responsible for managing and supporting the administration of human resource functions within the school department under the direction of the Superintendent. The full job description and the application to apply can be found here:
over 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
Human Resources Manager Wanted
All Medway Public Schools will be closed on Wednesday, October 5, 2022
over 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
All medway public schools  closed on Wednesday, October 5
2022-2023 Free Breakfast and Lunch Children need healthy meals to learn. Medway Public Schools offers healthy meals every school day. During the 2022-2023 school year, all students will receive free breakfast and lunch at school. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts has provided money to do this for one year through the State budget. We need your help to ensure our district receives all the financial resources for which it qualifies. Please fill out and submit the application for free and reduced price school meals. If many families fill out and return this form, we will get more money from the federal government for free school meals now and in the future. We will also get more money for other school programs. Filling out this form also helps our community provide free summer meals to all kids, and free meals to kids in childcare. The information you provide is confidential. We follow strict federal rules to keep your information private.
over 2 years ago, Medway Middle School
Free Breakfast & Lunch
Our September 30, 2022 Newsletter is filled with important and exciting news ! Click on the link below to go to the newsletter.
over 2 years ago, Medway Middle School
Join MFPA at Mickey Cassidy's on October 6 from 5:30 p.m.-7:00 p.m. to learn more about us! Appetizers will be provided. RSVP to
over 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
MFPA networking event